Jumbo Hybrid Kiln Cleveland, Ohio
280 cu/ft Custom Jumbo Hybrid Gas/Wood Sculpture kiln built June 2022 in Cleveland, Ohio. We used Patriot Super Duty High Alumina #1 arch, Empire DP Super Duty High Alumina, Seneca 60P for hot face, BNZ 2600 for the door, BNZ 2300 for cold face insulation/sub floor, and Smithfield Medium Duty (chimney above damper) to build this massive kiln. The arch is 4.5” hard brick, 3” BNZ 2300, 2 layers 6# 1” fiber, chicken wire mesh, 1” of 80 lb scratch coat sanded with fiber stucco/3 gallon vermiculite custom mix for skin coat. We installed 3x 800k btu/hr burners to bring the large sculpture work through quartz inversion slowly before transitioning to wood only. Interior dimensions are 11’ wide, 6’ deep, 7’ tall, including the large firebox. 1/4” mild steel framing ranging from 3” to 5” give this kiln and rolling door structural integrity. Greg Horrace, Will McComb, and I built this kiln in 19 days.