Sprung Arch Tube Anagama Tony Moore Studio Cold Spring, NY
Sprung arch tube style anagama built 10/2021 at Tony Moore Studio in Cold Spring, NY. Tony had a previous kiln that underwent arch failure after 19 years, so Tony redesigned/redrew this kiln a bit larger for more comfortable loading, I was brought in to assist in laying the brick and pouring refractory castable. We used recycled brick super duty hot face, high duty cold face from the previous kiln, extended the floor with 3 layers IFB 2300. New floor, lower firebox area, lower walls are Alsey Patriot super duty high alumina brick. Seneca 60p were used around exit flues, firebox, and other critical areas. Exterior walls were a combination of IFB 2300, and high duty on the corners, over spy openings, etc. Jordan Becker expertly designed, welded, and installed 1/4” steel framing to ensure no movement. Tony Moore, Greg Horrace, Brandon Stolicny, and I did the brickwork, with additional help bricking, chinking and stucco coat work from Paul Boucher, Doug Keating, Deb Heid, and Lisa Rosenthal. Arch is #1 Patriot super duty high alumina, KX-99, insulated with 3” IFB 2300, 3 layers 1”, 6lb. Fiber, and 1.5” scratch coat stucco with vermiculite. Kiln was completed in 13 days, and attached to existing noborigama/chimney with a non-structural flue extension to match existing flues in the arch of the noborigama chamber.