I've been teaching professionally at colleges, universities, art centers, and private studios since 2000 in the United States, China, and Denmark. In addition to conducting private workshops at my home studio, I travel for workshops ranging from 2 days, up to 2 weeks in length. My travel workshop fee is $750/day-$1,250/day, plus accommodations and travel expenses. Check the “Store” page for pricing/registration.
My newly constructed kiln shed at my home studio houses 2 wood kilns, and 1 natural gas/wood/soda kiln. I conduct firing workshops at my home studio throughout the year. The “come fire with me” workshop is ideal if you’d like to fire one of my custom kiln designs with me, at my studio. Everything is included with these workshops, you just have to arrange travel to the Denver area. I do offer accommodations on occasion depending on the workshop situation in the loft above the studio, check current pricing in the “Store”. The loft can accommodate up to 4 people with a full restroom downstairs, continental style breakfast, prepared lunch and dinner mainly vegan style are included. Check the “Store” page for pricing/registration.
2 Day Travel Demonstration Workshop
During this workshop I focus on demonstrating tableware, and a 2' tall coil and throw pot. This is a great workshop for folks looking to develop technical wheel throwing skills, and start/continue to think about how what you are making is relative to you. Making honest work can be challenging with our constantly connected world where we see so many things so quickly. What visuals matter, why are you using clay as a medium, why is your artwork important? Discussion topics include: Intent, Content, Audience; Technical and Physical Challenges; Studio Space Setup and Flow; Cultivating a Wood Fire Team; Kiln Design; Marketing and Selling; Career Longevity (I speak as a mid-career artist).
7 Day Travel Woodfire Workshop
The 7 day woodfire workshop is intended to help participants gain an understanding of the variables when firing a kiln with wood. Depending on the size of the kiln, we may or may not be able to unload and analyze the results together. Woodfiring workshops can be incredibly beneficial because we are able to discuss, ask questions, and formulate solutions for a process that often times provides more questions than answers. Loading is perhaps the most important part of a wood firing, yet so often work is simply "put" into the kiln v. "loaded". Firing the kiln is not about putting wood in the kiln, but how often, how much, and where each log is placed has a direct effect on how the kiln heats, and color development within the clay and glaze. I've developed unique systems to help everyone on the team get on the same firing schedule, and understand the results of their actions. The 7 Day Firing Workshop has helped numerous people eliminate "bad firings" in kilns they've had difficulty with through the years. I've also fired kilns which have produced remarkable results throughout the years, yet the kiln owner felt he/she wanted to see how someone else loads and fires their kiln. I am a firm believer in always being a student, and I always learn from the "regulars" around each kiln. One of techniques I've developed through the years is the ability to fire tube style kilns by only stoking the front firebox, and eliminating side stoking. This is done through a specific stoking pattern, careful attention during loading in regards to flow, and often times adjusting rear flue walls. There are many benefits to this simplified version of heating a kiln.