Kiln Consultation/Design 2 or 4 hour blocks
I’ve spent countless hours researching zoning, planning, designing kiln sheds, calculating proportions, understanding costs, and drawing kiln designs to assess material quantities. If you need help with your new kiln project, or have questions about how your kiln is working, this could help you tremendously. Consultations are broken into 2 blocks, 2 hours or 4 hours. 2 hour consultations typically are good for small kilns, clay/slip firing schedule research conversations, or initial firing/kiln modifications. 4 hour consultations are good for medium to large size wood kilns, and more extensive conversations. We’ll assess your loading as it relates to air flow, firing schedule in terms of temperature holds, time per stoke cycle spent in reduction as referenced to my “stoke scale” (a system I developed to explain visual reduction in a 5 stage format), and “during the firing” consultation. A post firing consultation about the effects of the modifications, and any further calculations/adjustments is included with the 4 hour block to ensure you are well on your way to better, more consistent firings.